Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Thanks Mom & Dad

So it's the one month mark. One month ago I was making final preparations (okay okay... starting to pack and getting a Visa). Today I'm giving Thanks to my parents for sending me out here. This is an experience like none other. Love you guys. 

Currently listening to "3 x5" by John Mayer. A song about traveling and being present where you are. Taking in all the sights and not having to take a 3x5 - picture. I've found that I remember much more when I'm not behind a camera the whole time. So, in staring at the ocean in front of me, I'm trying to make a permanent memory. 

Sam and I started our second week of work Tuesday (Monday was Australia Day... a day of festivals and celebrations). Bracewell is a great place to work if you like the smaller company atmosphere. We get to be involved in everything! From calling boutiques to get the line in their shops, to being involved in print and fabric meetings, quality control, delivering to shops, etc etc. It's my favorite internship so far. I thought before this that I was a corporate gal, but it may turn out that I like the smaller venue. 

Today I signed up for two courses over the weekend to get certified for bar work. I've got to learn all the laws and stuff. I'm excited actually. The courses span two days. 

OK... finish later... got interrupted! 

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