Thursday, January 8, 2009

Here is a cute little lorikeet checking us out on our balcony!
A 10 minute walk from our apartment and we're here! Lovely Bondi Beach...
Our view from our balcony at night...
And in the evening!

Also, there is an absolutely GORGEOUS cliff path all around the ocean that starts at's so pretty I've been inspired to start running along it! The views the whole way make it all worth it, I'm starting to even look forward to it.

Our apartment also has a rooftop pool which is great, we get a 360 view of Sydney, and can even see the bridge off in the distance.

Well that's about it for now...we're basically just enjoying the beach life and getting tan! More to come!


  1. Sam, those are some great shots of the beach. I love the Lorikeets !! Nice to here you're inspired to do some running...keep it UP !! Enjoying this blog...very cool....Wish I WAS THERE !!

  2. You were right.....the view is worth it! And the balcony visitors are awesome.

  3. Woohoo---UPDATES! I was starting to think you forgot about us :) I love checking this out and seeing what you are up to and hearing about your adventures, especially with the local wildlife.
